
To bring health and beauty to everyone


To create China's skin health ecosystem

Our Core Values

Pursuit of Excellence, Simplicity and Transparency Result Orientation, Diligence and Dedication Gratitude and Goodwill, Integrity and Pragmatism

ESG Governance Structure

Stakeholder Concerns

Response to SDGs

ESG Report Download

Philosophy of Sustainable Development

Guided by the vision “to bring health and beauty to everyone”, we incorporate sustainability into our business philosophy and sustainable development philosophy. We strive to create an honest and trustworthy business ecosystem, explore technology-enabled skincare, build a diverse and inclusive workplace, prioritize talent development, and take practical actions to promote biodiversity conservation and rural revitalization. Solid efforts are exerted to strike a balance between economic value and social value.

We follow the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle in sustainability performance review, stakeholder engagement, peer analysis, goal planning, and improvements implementation, and integrate sustainability management with product development, business expansion, and daily operations. By regularly publishing sustainability reports, we actively respond to stakeholders’ concerns and fully showcase our sustainability performance.

ESG Governance Structure
Botanee’s Chairman is the primary person responsible for sustainability management and information disclosure. The Board of Directors and the Strategy Committee serve as the highest ESG governance bodies. The Board Secretary is the specific executor and liaison for sustainable development information disclosure, while the Board Secretary’s Office.
Stakeholder Concerns Standardize Substantive Topics Assessment

Botanee offers diverse mechanisms for communication with stakeholders, maintains close contact with them, and actively communicates with them through various channels and methods including daily communication, meetings, regular information disclosure, etc.

We conduct regular multidimensional reviews of material ESG topics based on our business development, industry characteristics, compliance requirements, investor concerns, related international standards, stakeholder concerns and so on. In 2023, we maintained close communication with stakeholders through various channels (such as interviews, questionnaires, and meetings). With the assistance of ESG consultants, we systematically assessed the materiality of sustainability topics for the year to provide a reference for ESG management and information disclosure.

SDGs respond to high-standard implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we integrate sustainable development into our strategies, and pursue responsible manufacturing and operations, striving to create sustainable economic, environmental, and social benefits in product development, environmental protection, supply chain management, employee welfare, and public welfare. We continuously enhance our sustainability and become a responsible corporate citizen.

Sustainability Report & ESG(Environmental, Social and Governance) Report


Social Responsibility Report and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Report



Social Responsibility Report and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Report


Botanee, as a member of the world's citizens, aims to respond to and promote the
construction of global ecological civilization, respect, conform to and protect nature and is
committed to this great cause in the face of increasingly severe environmental, health and
development challenges.

Botanee, as a member of the world's citizens, aims to respond to and promote the
construction of global ecological civilization, respect, conform to and protect nature and is
committed to this great cause in the face of increasingly severe environmental, health and
development challenges.

Building a Health Ecosystem for a Beautiful Future-Biodiversity Conservation Initiative:
  • • Assess the biodiversity opportunities and risks faced by the company, and incorporate biodiversity conservation into its development strategies and daily operations
  • • Promote the transformation of green and low-carbon production and consumption, sustainably utilize biodiversity resources, and alleviate the pressure on biodiversity conservation
  • • Fully disclose biodiversity information, and measure and report the dependence and impact of enterprise economic activities on biodiversity
  • • Actively participate in biodiversity conservation activities and increase participation and investment in biodiversity conservation
  • • Carry out publicity and education on biodiversity conservation to continuously improve social participation and public awareness
  • • Strengthen biodiversity conservation collaboration and share industry best practices

Botanee's Response to Climate Change

Botanee has continuously paid attention to major issues such as climate change, energy conservation and emission reduction, and has taken effective countermeasures. In order to make the effect of our actions on climate change measurable, we have selected the consumption of resources and energy use and waste emissions as key performance indicators for energy conservation and emission reduction in our own operations, forming a mechanism for EHS Department to manage performance indicators in an integrated manner. Botanee sets annual targets for energy efficiency, water efficiency and waste discharge every year, reviews the implementation of targets on a regular basis, analyzes change trends, continuously reviews practical activities, and adjusts targets and proposed measures in due course. In the future, the Group will further improve the governance, strategy formulation, risk management, indicator and target identification and management of climate-related risks, and work with all sectors to tackle climate change and achieve common sustainable development.

Respond to the national goal of carbon peak action

Botanee is committed to contributing to a better and more sustainable future for mankind. In the practice of implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, it pays high attention to and responds to the global challenges brought by climate change, and builds a resilient enterprise against climate change through a series of strategies and actions. The Group thoroughly implements the spirit of the Opinions of the CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Yunnan Province on Completely, Accurately and Comprehensively Implementing the New Development Concept and Doing a Good Job in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization, gives full play to Yunnan's advantages in green resources, helps promote the national dual carbon goals, strives to be an industry model and makes contributions to Yunnan.

Botanee places great importance on the impacts of climate change on our sustainable operations and long term values. We actively monitor climate change and take proactive measures to address related issues. During the reporting period, we followed the Task Force on Climaterelated Financial Disclosures (TCFD)/IFRS S2 to disclose information on climate risks and opportunities from the perspectives of governance, strategy, risk management, indicators, and targets. In the future, we will further enhance our analysis of climate-related risks, better identify and address climate risks under different scenarios, strengthen climate risk management, and seize opportunities arising from climate change.
Northwest Yunnan-Biodiversity Conservation
On the premise of respecting and protecting local native plants, Botanee has established its own Prinsepia utilis Royle planting base in Haba Snow Mountain, Shangri-La, and officially launched the "Northwest Yunnan-Biodiversity Conservation in Haba Snow Mountain" project in 2021. Based on dermatology & biology, Botanee selects a variety of plants for extraction and efficacy research of active ingredients; Meanwhile, it helps protect the ecosystem of Haba Snow Mountain and improve the living conditions of local residents. Botanee is willing to take active practice of sustainable development as its mission and make unremitting efforts to protect biodiversity.
Biodiversity Conservation in Haba Snow Mountain
In August 2021, Botanee, together with Yunnan Youth Development Foundation and representatives from SEE jointly donated patrol and protection supplies to 26 forest rangers in the Haba Snow Mountain Conservation Area, thereby providing the basic equipment and protection to the frontline protection staff. At the end of 2021, we provided financial subsidies to 26 forest rangers and training to 110 forest rangers. To mitigate the impact of human activities on the ecosystem of Haba Snow Mountain and protect the vertical spectrum of vegetation and forest ecosystem, we helped the construction of 10 “SEE-Hope eco toilets” in Haba Snow Mountain Conservation Area
Conservation and restoration of Xinzhu Botanical Garden in Lijiang
Xinzhu Botanical Garden is located in Xinzhu Village, Ludian Town, Yulong County in Lijiang City, which is facing imminent problems of soil erosion and endangered species and is in need of conservation and restoration. In 2021, Botanee began to engage in this ecological conservation project and effectively improve the living conditions of local residents through a series of effective countermeasures, thus achieving a harmonious situation where the Xinzhu Botanical Garden Protection Community can not only protect biodiversity but also develop biological industry.
Ecological Protection of Baoshan Water Source
In May 2021, the construction of a water conservation project donated by Botanee in Dahao Village, Wayao Town in Baoshan City was successfully completed. With the joint participation of many parties, villagers’ self-governing ability has been enhanced. Through participation in the water conservation project, villagers are more aware of the importance of environmental protection and the value of China’s lucid waters and lush mountains.
Discovering the Beauty of Cultural Diversity-Protection and Inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage
The long-standing and profound Chinese culture, like the dazzling star, has shone through the land for five thousand years. The spiritual pillars that influence and inspire generation after generation have been passed down from generation to generation, and their values have lasted for a long time. This is what we call the intangible cultural heritage. They are the wisdom crystallization of ancient culture and should be artistic treasures that we continuously pass on and preserve. Botanee recognizes that intangible cultural heritage is a national treasure and a bridge connecting the past and the future. We actively integrate intangible cultural heritage into our products through a series of innovative marketing strategies. We engage in various channels of cultural promotion, participate in the conservation and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and enhance public awareness and respect for its value.
Discovering the Beauty of Cultural Diversity-Protection and Inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage
The long-standing and profound Chinese culture, like the dazzling star, has shone through the land for five thousand years. The spiritual pillars that influence and inspire generation after generation have been passed down from generation to generation, and their values have lasted for a long time. This is what we call the intangible cultural heritage. They are the wisdom crystallization of ancient culture and should be artistic treasures that we continuously pass on and preserve. Botanee recognizes that intangible cultural heritage is a national treasure and a bridge connecting the past and the future. We actively integrate intangible cultural heritage into our products through a series of innovative marketing strategies. We engage in various channels of cultural promotion, participate in the conservation and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and enhance public awareness and respect for its value.
In October 2022, Yunnan Youth Development Foundation and Botanee Group visited three schools in Yulong County, Lijiang to investigate the implementation of intangible cultural heritage projects. The arrival of Botanee Foundation has improved the learning conditions of students, promoted the long-term development of intangible cultural heritage teaching and continued to bloom the unique charm of traditional Naxi culture. Click to learn more>>>
By the end of 2023, Winona planned and launched the year-long “Winona Intangible Heritage Protection Campaign” to promote and preserve local intangible cultural heritage in Yunnan. Leveraging our brand influence, we aimed to increase awareness, utilization, and promotion of intangible cultural heritage. The Jiama woodblock printing is an intangible cultural heritage in Yunnan. People carve their wishes on wooden blocks and then print them on paper to create Jiama prints, expressing their hopes for the future. During the New Year, Botanee introduced “Dreams Come True” gift box inspired by Yunnan’s intangible cultural heritage Jiama, combining Jiama prints with skincare products made from Yunnan’s specialty plants. Additionally, Botanee created 100 original and fun Jiama posters to distribute during the event, collaborating with well-known Yunnan companies such as Chagee and Yun Nans to strengthen the promotion of Yunnan’s intangible cultural heritage through multiple channels.
Explore Skin Health Ecosystem Through Science and Technology>>>
Empowering Beauty with Technology, Leading Industry Standards with Academic Expertise
As a high-tech enterprise, Botanee utilizes industry-academia-research collaborations to establish an innovative team under the Ministry of Education, a collaborative innovation center for higher education in Yunnan Province, an engineering research center in Yunnan Province, and a technology innovation team in Yunnan Province. The Group has established technical platforms, such as the Yunnan Characteristic Plant Extraction Laboratory, Yunnan Provincial Postdoctoral Research Workstation, and Yunnan Corporate Technological Center. With a multidisciplinary and professional team, Botanee focuses on basic research, formula development, and efficacy and safety verification of functional skin care products. The Group has received numerous awards, including the Special Prize and First Prize of the Yunnan Science and Technology Progress Award, the First Prize of the Yunnan Innovation Team Award, and the First Prize of the Yunnan Provincial Patent Award. In the skin care consumer market, Botanee has established a leading position in sensitive skin care by adhering to vertical positioning, significant efficacy, and a commitment to professionalism.
Research on characteristic plant ingredients in Yunnan
China Sensitive Skin Summit Forum
WCD World Congress of Dermatology
Yunnan Characteristic Plant Extraction Laboratory
In December 2021, the Yunnan Characteristic Plant Extraction Laboratory, established by Botanee, was granted an official license. It is the 37th institution to be granted the title of "Co-Certification Laboratory on National Reference Materials for Natural Products" by the Specialistic Group on Natural Product of National Technical Committee on Reference Materials. The laboratory is oriented towards national strategies and the major technological innovation needs of Yunnan, with a particular focus on the characteristic plant industry of the region. It aims to construct a complete chain of high-tech innovation businesses that includes basic theoretical research, application development, common key technology development for industrialization, industrial incubation, and market expansion.
Prinsepia Utilis Royle Planting Base
On the premise of respecting and protecting local native plants, Botanee has established its own prinsepia utilis royle planting base in Haba Snow Mountain, Shangri-La. Based on the fields of dermatology and biology, the base carries out research to maximize the extraction of active ingredients from medicinal plants. Moreover, it helps to protect the ecosystem of Haba Snow Mountain and improve the living conditions of local residents, promoting sustainable and long-term economic development of the region. This initiative not only benefits local communities but also contributes to the protection of the ecological system in Yunnan.
China Sensitive Skin Summit Forum
On April 16, 2023, the Fourth China Sensitive Skin Summit Forum was held by the Winona Research Institute, a subsidiary of Botanee, in collaboration with four major associations. The forum brought together a group of experts in the field to discuss new issues and challenges in the management of sensitive skin, including sensitive root targets, the needs and trends of sensitive populations, and the study of the efficacy of Yunnan's plants. The forum also explored new breakthroughs in repairing sensitive skin and the new definition of sensitive skin in the era of precision skin care, aiming to overcome new research barriers and embark on a new journey towards improving skin health in China and advancing the understanding of sensitive skin.
WCD World Congress of Dermatology
The World Congress of Dermatology (WCD), organized by the International League of Dermatological Societies, has been held every four years since 1889 and is known as the "Olympics of Dermatology". It is the largest international academic conference in the field of dermatology, and a significant event for dermatologists, scholars, and professionals worldwide. Having been invited to participate in the WCD for three consecutive sessions , Winona is the first Chinese brand to appear at the WCD. The brand's solid academic content, including basic research literature, active substance screening results, and product clinical reports, have earned high recognition from professional attendees.
Botanee Foundation>>>
Embrace a Better Life with Charity
Over the past decade, with the help of Yunnan's natural plant ecological resources, Botanee has been able to focus on developing cosmetics. Adherence to our original aspiration is the only way to get it. With the vision of bringing health and beauty to everyone, Botanee combines enterprise development with community ecology, shoulders social responsibility, participates in public welfare, and is committed to being a practitioner of longtermism. In 2021, Botanee donated money to Yunnan Youth Development Foundation to set up the "Botanee Foundation", which became the first special public welfare fund of Project Hope in Yunnan focusing on ecological and environmental protection public welfare undertakings such as "biodiversity conservation" for teenagers. The foundation has continued to assist youth and environmental protection undertakings in Yunnan Province from the fields of education aid, development assistance, and biodiversity conservation.
Botanee Public Welfare Activities
Winona Bright Smiles Commonweal Project
5·25 Skin Care Day
"Wei" Love You
Botanee Project Hope Kitchen
In October 2022, Botanee visited the 100-year-old Vocational Training School for Children of Migrant Workers in Lijiang. Botanee participated in the graduation and opening ceremony while also conducting the unveiling ceremony of the "Botanee Project Hope Kitchen" to practically improve the daily meals of the students and teachers, illuminating each other on the path of public welfare.
Botanee Project Hope Bathroom
In November 2021, "Botanee Foundation" under Yunnan Youth Development Foundation donated more than RMB 470,000 to build three "Hope Bathrooms" in Yimen County and Eshan County of Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, and put them into operation. On the day of completion, Botanee volunteers gave a special physiology lesson to the children, guiding them to establish a healthy life concept from an early age.
Botanee Project Hope High School Class
In September 2021, the Botanee Foundation established the "Botanee Project Hope Class", with a five-year program aiming to continuously provide natural and environmental protection education, aesthetic courses, summer camps, and other exchange opportunities for students in mountainous areas, planting the seeds of ecology and care for young people.
Winona Bright Smiles Commonweal Project
Winona Bright Smiles Commonweal Project is a public service activity with the theme of sun protection initiated by Winona in 2016. The year 2023 marks the 8th year of the public service program. Winona has joined hands with the Red Cross Society of China Yunnan Branch for the first time to initiate and participate in the activity. Through official organization, and in collaboration with experts from the innovation team under the Ministry of Education, Winona has deeply focused on people affected by photodamage in Yunnan. Winona has positively responded to the call of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, centered on enhancing the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security, rooted in the essence of public service, and shouldered the banner of corporate public service. Click to learn more>>>
5·25 National Skin Care Day
Since 2013, Winona has teamed up with the Chinese Medical Doctor Association to initiate an annual public welfare event called "5·25 National Skin Care Day". This large-scale initiative provides free dermatological services across the country. It serves to educate people on the importance of scientific and rational skin care practices. Click to learn more>>>
The Wei Foundation
Botanee has built a charity platform to provide financial support for employees and their families and solve their worries. This Foundation is the embodiment of the Company's people-oriented mindset which can be phrased as "Employees contribute to the Company, and the Company shelters the employees from wind and rain".
By Supporting Your Academic Advancement, “Wei Foundation” Make Your Dreams Come True
In June 2022, Kunming Medical University held the Graduation Ceremony and Degree Conferring Ceremony for Graduates of Grade 2022. In addition to the majority of graduates successfully graduating and receiving the degree certificates, 744 graduates won the "Botanee Scholarship". The "Botanee Scholarship" is a charitable project jointly undertaken by the Yunnan Botanee Group and the Yunnan Youth Development Foundation at Kunming Medical University to support the academic advancement of fresh graduates. Over the course of five years, a total donation of RMB 5 million has been contributed, aiding Kunming Medical University in enhancing the quality of talent cultivation.
Donation Channel
In order to sustain the development of the Hope Project public welfare undertakings in Yunnan, Botanee Group, in collaboration with the "Botanee Foundation" under Yunnan Youth Development Foundation, has once again put forward a proposal to all sectors of society. They hope that caring enterprises and good-hearted individuals from all walks of life will continuously attach importance to and support the Hope Project public welfare undertakings to contribute to the healthy growth and development of the youth and encourage them to actively participate in the "Botanee Foundation" public warfare program to provide new assistance and sow new hope for more young individuals. Through continuous and collective efforts, even the smallest streams will eventually converge into vast oceans!
ESG Dynamics
ESG Video
Botanee has actively responded to the national call by carrying out active actions in various aspects such as talent cultivation, biodiversity conservation and rural revitalization, and benchmarking against the SDGs with practical ESG actions and achievements, and conveyed the warmth and strength of Botanee to the socialist family.